Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Speech on Friendship

Speech on Friendship

Friendship is one of the purest forms of relation that exist on this earth. Getting a sincere and loving friend is perhaps the best gift from God, which only lucky few gets. Infact, life becomes so very meaningless without a true friend’s presence beside you. Isn’t it?
When you have a bunch of amazing friends, journey of life becomes more joyous and vibrant. True friends are there to laugh at your joy .Again when you shed tears, who else can be beside you to lend his shoulder other than your friends?
Friendship is the only relation on this earth which is truly priceless. We may acquire all materialistic pleasure by putting our effort. But even then life remains dull, unless you can share your life with one or handful of genuine friends.
Human being always tends to long for emotional support and a social life. They crave for love and compassion everywhere. In-spite of possessing everything in life, why there remains a vacuum at heart? It happens only when you have no such good friend to share your small and small happiness of life.
Often we can not share our deepest secrets with our family members even. But only if we have a true friend, it gets so easy to share your inner thoughts with the one. Friends are always there to listen to you.
A true friend may criticize you so that you may come out of your shortcoming. He may guide like a tunnel of light, when you take a wrong path. He may scold you if you commit a mistake and shows you the right path. That’s why it is being said that true friend is more precious than any gem.
Friendship will provide you with thousands of fun moments in life which you will memorize while you grow old. But side by side, at times this relation also passes through moments of crisis. Misunderstanding may crop in and this amazing relation may start shattering. Always be the first one to save your friendship. Maybe you are yet to realize the true worth of your friend.

God forbid, if due to some unfavourable reason distance ever arises within this relation, never let your friend go. Hold his or her hand and apologize if you are wrong somewhere. There is nothing more pathetic in your life than losing a true friend. Never ever forget that.
Friendship is a relation which is as tender as a new born baby. Which is always pure and a bundle of joy which only needs more and more nourishment to grow, which is tons of love and compassion from both ends. Never ignore your friends or take them for granted. You may come across various people at various phases of life. Many may pretend to be your friend. Many may appear to be glorious apparently. But never go by the outward glitter.
A true friend will not only be beside you when your life is a rosy one. Rather when you are passing through a tormenting phase, if you can find someone beside you He is only a genuine friend. Love of your friend will always be unconditional. They may expect nothing from you but shower their love to you always.
Friendship- Is a divine word. Treasure it! Crave for it in life if you don’t have one. Try to search out the one. Like our guiding stars they are always around us. We need to have an eye to search the one out from the crowd. If you already have someone likewise, nothing like that. Value him the most. If not, he is somewhere around. Figure him out! Thank You!

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